Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kylie Barrows


Period F

                   Interview with Sean Matthews of Norton High School

 Today in Journalism we did interviews and my partner was Sean Mathews. Sean has 
been living in Norton since he was three months old. Sean was born in Russia and 
was adopted and made his journey to the US when he was only three months old.
 Sean was born on December 12, 1995 and is 18 years old. Sean is a senior at
 Norton High school. Sean unlike most teenagers is in a band and is the lead singer
 for his band. His band is very special to him “ya I’m that kid that does the 
screaming” Just like any other American boy he played baseball and soccer growing
 up but no longer plays and sports. Sean does a lot of family traveling in their free 
time. The farthest he has been is Hawaii so cool right? On his trip in Mexico he 
swam and kissed a manatee “ I went swimming with a Manatee like you do with 
dolphins and when we came back to where we started he just kissed me.” Not on 
an every day basis do you go and kiss a manatee. His favorite go to meal is pizza 
and if he isn’t in the mood for pizza it’s off to subway he goes! Sean’s biggest pe
peeve is when now a day technology like GPS or phones talk to him or tell him what 
to do. He feels like the technology is soon to going over rule the human 
population. “I want to travel around the world and help out all the orphans and all 
the people in need in third world countries” Sean has an emotional connection to 
orphanages. He him self was adopted when he was a baby. It has inspired him to 
want to help those in need. Well that my friends is a rap about Sean Matthews. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gun Control

    Recently in the past couple years this topic has caught a lot of eyes, having the right to bare arms has been a constitutional right since 1787. In today's society most people believe guns should be outlawed. Due to recent activity in the media everyone now blames these actions on the gun owners. I have grown up in a family that guns are a life style to me. Guns should not be outlawed for the sake of personal safety, protection, and for safe recreational uses and hunting.

    There are countless reasons why guns should not be taken away, but one of the reasons is for personal safety. Everyone should have a gun for their own families’ safety. Most people who own guns use them for the right reasons. There are a small amount of people that use them for intentionally harming someone. Most men would do anything for their families’ safety. Guns are a perfect way to protect your wife and kids. If the government wants to take away guns how are we supposed to protect ourselves? The people abusing their rights are ruining it for everyone else. People always want to be safe yet they want to get rid of guns. If guns get taken away how is law enforcement supposed to do their job? But when something tragic happens everyone only feels safe when police and anyone in uniform have a gun in their hands. Also if we didn't have guns how would people in the war fight? We wouldn't be able to protect our country. Freedom isn't free we have been fighting to keep our freedom since we earned it. No one can take that away from us.  Hence the phrase “don’t tread on me" us Americans will do what we have to too keep our constitutional rights.

      Most people use guns for hunting and safe recreational uses. Both men and women take hunting very seriously. For most hunters it isn't just a hobby it's a way of life, a life style for them. They live, eat, breathe hunting. The NRA has a big impact on most hunters’ life too. The NRA stands for National Rifle Association. They will fight and protect our right to bare arms If the government takes passes this law than no more fun for the family, no more hunting, nothing. Weapons are why we are here in the first place. The Indians lived off of this land by hunting and they protected there land and their family with these weapons. 

    This right should not be taken away, not now not ever. Guns aren't always bad. It's the person behind it holding it. Why start now outlawing guns. If someone is crazy enough to want to kill someone they will find a way to get a gun. Nothing is going to stop them. So why take them away from the people who use them safely and wisely? There are true die hard guns men and women out there that will not settle for our guns being taken away.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

                                                 Reactions to the "Rolling Stone" Cover


    There are many thoughts about the "Rolling Stone" cover, they portrayed him to be the
victim and to be a "beautiful, tousle-haired boy with a gentle demeanor" but in reality he is
a monster. As most people already know or should know about the Boston bomber,
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev "Jahar". Just from his name you can already come to a conclusion
he's a terrorist. Jahar; the boy who was claimed to be "just a normal American kid" went
off the ricketier scale. Jahar was from Republic of Kyrgyzstan he is from Muslim ethnic
group. He also went to Umass Dartmouth; this kid with a promising future threw it all
down the drain when he let his religion over power his thinking.


    Most people have such a problem with this cover story because the Rolling Stone cover
or making any cover of a magazine is supposed to be someone you look up to not
someone that has caused mass destruction. Me being from the Boston area it hits the
heart more because this is my city. My sister also goes to school in Cambridge so for
me it was a very emotional time. Actually my cousin Jeremy and his girlfriend were in
the second blast. They were both hospitalized and received money from the One Fund.
Along with most people in the Boston area we wanted these two boys to suffer. These two
boys picked the wrong city to mess with, you bomb our city we will shut down
everything and find you and make you pay. The Rolling stone almost makes Jahar
sound so innocent "it's heartbreaking". Nothing is heart breaking about this boy.. He
obviously had some mental issues and made other people suffer and even lose their life.
One boy will never make it to high school or graduate or have his first kiss or get
married or have kids just because of two sick boys. New York Times said "The Rolling
Stone cover is glamorizing the face of terror". Many stores around this area actually
refused to put this story on their shelves. Can you blame them? I know for sure I would
never idolize this boy who cause all this grief in one nation.


     In this day and age there is so much violence that should not be happening, many
acts of terrorists attacks. We will never know if this was actually the boys religion or
country or leader calling the shots or maybe that him and his brother were just not
good people. I personally don't think Rolling Stone went about this subject in the right
manner. I strongly believe if they wanted to have an article about the Boston
Marathon bombing the cover should have been of the first responders and aids and
state police and police officers that were there on the scene that were doing
everything in their power to help the people. Or dedicate the cover to the victims that
lost their lives and the people that were harmed. Then in the story they could have
talked about Jahar but I don't believe he should have had a full story about him and
who he was. No one can change what happened and what he did. He will forever be
known as the Boston bomber and will sit in a jail cell until he rots and goes to hell.
The impact these two brothers left on our country is remarkable. Who knew that one
event could bring one country together like nothing else.