Tuesday, October 29, 2013

                                                                                Kylie Barrows





After reading and collecting the data from SEVENTEEN magazine I came to the conclusion that this magazine consist a normal ratio of ads to articles. This actually surprised me because most girl magazines consist of mostly ads for products. In 100 words there was only 7 sentences and 145 syllables. For every 2 ads there was an article, 2:1 ratio. The ratio says the producers of this magazine want enough ads to make money but yet still keep your attention to the articles.  After using the graph to figure out what age group is targeted I was shocked to find out the age group. The target audience age is 15. Kind of weird considering the name of the magazine is called SEVENTEEN.  Seventeen is directed to girls mostly I don’t think any guy would choose this magazine to read in their spare time. I always thought this particular magazine was targeted to teenagers 17 and older. Everyone else I compared answers with they also said their target of age group is 15, both boys and girls. SEVENTEEN actually stands out unlike most other girl magazines that consists of more than half ads.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Kylie Barrows
Data Driven Essay 

Olympic Controversies

                The International Olympic committee was about to deliver a shocking message to all baseball and softball lovers; softball and baseball are no longer a part of the Olympic games. After a secret vote in Singapore. The two sports would have their last showing in the 2008 Olympic Games. Shortly after the two sports were eliminated they were informed of the edibility of the reapplying for the 2016 games. 

                 Once the former Olympic athletes found out they said they were going to fight their hardest to get the sport they love so much back in the games. Jennie Finch said "it's devastating and heartbreaking, all combined especially because the sport's at an all-time high right now. I know it's devastating for the young girls. We're going to do all we can to get the sport back for 2016." Jennie Finch being the star pitcher for the U.S.A Olympic softball team, said she was going to do everything she could to make an impact on the voting. The USA Woman softball team won all three god metals since softball joined the Olympics.

This Olympic change really hit home with me.  Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed about playing in the Olympics.  Even though I knew it was nearly impossible, I drill dreamed about it.  Now the team has been taking out of the Olympics younger softball players can no longer dream of being in the Olympics or on an Olympic team.  The decision to eliminate softball has definitely has crushed many girls hopes and dreams.

After my research I found out that 9 out of 13 people I asked had no clue of what was going on with the Olympic controversies.  The remaining people knew exactly what was going on.  Most students said "I have no clue, nope, nothing." One student said "I know they got rid of softball, baseball, and wrestling, which does not make sense to me.  Those three sports were among the first to join."  
Another said "I have not heard of any changes." My theory is either the student completely knew   
about the changes and controversies or knew nothing at all.  

After the most recent secret meeting Olympic wrestling was voted back into the games for the upcoming 2020 games.  Baseball and softball sadly lost the vote.  No one knows where that leave both baseball and softball.   Until we hear more will be left in the dark not knowing if these two sports will ever appear again as Olympic teams.